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Meal planning

Meal Planning with Yummly

By February 7, 2021No Comments


Meal Planning with Yummly

Psst, let me tell you a little secret about meal planning called Yummly. Have you heard of it? If not, read on my friend to learn more about the very best recipe app ever.

Yummly is a super-smart recipe powerhouse. It remembers recipes you’ve “yummed” and creates suggestions catered just for you. How cool is that? Plus, if you add a yum button as a browser extension you can “yum” any recipe you find on the web and have it added to your recipes on Yummly. No more searching and remembering where you found that amazing recipe you made last year. And that’s only the beginning, with a click of a button you can add all of a recipe’s ingredients to your shopping list. Or another of my favorite features is that you can easily see nutrition information for recipes. Using Yummly is amazing for meal-planning. What’s not to love?

How to get started

  1. Head on over to
  2. Answer their quick questions so Yummly can cater recipes to your diet and tastes.
  3. Sign up and start yumming! Then check out your feed to see tons of recipes based on your preferences. I promise you’ll never get bored!
  4. Add the Yum recipe bookmark by following these instructions so you can add any recipe found anywhere on the web to your Yummly recipe box.

Meal Planning 101

Meal planning is near and dear to my heart. It’s a must for eating healthy home-cooked meals. I mean who has time to go to the grocery store every day? Plus, dinnertime is not the time to be searching for recipes and then hoping you have all the ingredients in the pantry. If you’re like me, that’s when you throw in the towel and call for take-out. To avoid that scenario (believe me, been there plenty of times!), each weekend I sit down and plan out our meals for the week. I get the kids involved and ask them what sounds good, especially for school lunches. We also try to squeeze in one new meal a week, usually on the weekend when we have more time (and patience!) to try something new. Then I put together a shopping list and head to the store. By saving all my recipes, easily being able to search for fresh new ideas, and making my shopping list for me, Yummly seriously makes this whole process a piece of cake!

I love yummly so much I’ve added a “yum” button for all recipes. So now you can easily add any Bowl of Yum recipe to your Yummly recipes. Happy meal planning!





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